An Established family brand, joe funk construction
Joe Funk Construction, a construction company established in 1956, was my first project working with Christopher Miller and Rainmaker Advertising earlier this year. It allowed me to take a brand new approach I was looking to try with clients. The conversation between Chris and I went something like this (not verbatim):
Chris: “should I purchase the theme of the client’s choice for this project?
Me: “no, just show me the theme they choose, I will build it from scratch with their brand’s touch.”
Chris: “You’re going to create it from scratch? Isn’t that more work?”
Me: “no, you’ll see. Just present the options to the client and let me know what they choose.”
The full site took about a month to build another month to revise. We recently got full approval to launch the site live on their domain. Take a look at the amazing turnaround in these before and after shots. This site was built with Elementor Pro. It was inspired by another theme found below.